Garden of Evan

The Garden of Evan:

A Sensory Story Book

The Garden of Evan Sensory Story book takes us on a tactile journey of
stimulation and development.
Travel through the Garden from page to page, using the items suggested or
choose your own.
Follow our easy-to use sensory chart or sensory prompts on each page.

What is a sensory story

In addition to words and pictures, a sensory story introduces physical stimuli to the learning experience. This allows us to focus on each sense as we experience it, in a playful environment. Sight, sound, touch, smell and taste are the most obvious senses, but we have many others. For example, we have vestibular sense, which allows us to feel balanced or unbalanced, and proprioceptive sense, which allows us to understand our immediate physical environment in relation to our own bodies.
Each time we work one or more of these senses we strengthen it a little, just like a muscle. Not everybody is able to use every sense, and some of us need more help to draw out the best sensory experiences, or to focus on them in different ways. In the Garden of Evan we highlight each of these seven senses using scarves, bags of smelly stuff, pebbles from the beach, a water spray bottle, hugs and cuddles and, extra specially tactile “snowdrop embraces”!
Take your child on a journey through the Garden of Evan, where they will experience the sights and sounds and touch and smell of a lovely outdoors adventure.
The Garden of Evan, A Sensory Story Book, takes us through the Garden of Evan, using items we can gather in advance, like blades of grass, a feather duster, pine cones, twigs, a colourful scarf!

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